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Asclera Injections for Sclerotherapy in Kansas City

Reclaim Your Confidence and Sport Vein-Free Legs with Asclera Injections from aNu Aesthetics and Optimal Wellness

What Asclera for Sclerotherapy Is and How It Can Help You

Many people can develop unsightly spider veins and varicose veins for a number of reasons. While it’s more common in women than men, it can develop due to a slew of factors like aging, weight gain, stress, genetics, and trauma. Most cases of venous conditions are cosmetic issues that can affect how others see themselves, vein problems like varicose veins can also affect one skin’s texture and even cause pain. 

Sclerotherapy is one of the ways to treat venous conditions like spider veins and varicose veins. With Asclera as your treatment of choice, you can see visible improvement weeks after treatment. As a sclerosing agent, Asclera’s effective formula can close up the vein and allow your body to turn it into scar tissue that’s eventually absorbed. 

Asclera is an FDA-approved treatment that can treat spider veins and small varicose veins on your legs and feet. Each treatment is minimally invasive and takes less than an hour to complete, making it a convenient solution that doesn’t interfere with the rest of your day. With sclerotherapy, you don’t need to explore invasive and time-consuming cosmetic surgery options to get smoother and cleaner legs. This is why sclerotherapy has become a go-to option for many patients as they can see a reduction in their veins’ condition within 3 months or less. 

With the effective qualities of Asclera for sclerotherapy treatment and the skilled providers at aNu Aesthetics and Optimal Wellness, you’ll find your visible veins gradually disappear and leave you with flawlessly smooth skin. Let our team enhance your body’s appearance and erase your venous conditions.


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What Happens During Sclerotherapy

Venous conditions like spider veins and varicose veins happen when your vein’s valves become weak. These valves are responsible for pumping blood back to the heart, so this can result in blood pooling and clotting in one area of the blood vessel, causing it to bulge and become visible through your skin. 

Spider veins and varicose veins are both venous conditions that mostly affect the appearance of legs as well as other body parts. When it’s only visible through your skin, this is what’s known as spider veins. But if your veins enlarge and twist, these are varicose veins that can press against the skin and cause visible and sometimes painful bumps. 

Sclerotherapy is one solution for treating venous conditions and leaving you with smooth, vein-free legs. Using a sclerosing solution like Asclera, your provider will inject this into the affected clotted vein or veins. This will trigger the treated vein to seal shut, and your blood will be redirected to other healthier veins. 

Over the course of several weeks and multiple sclerotherapy treatments, the closed vein will eventually turn into scar tissue that your body will gradually re-absorb. The damaged vein will disappear, along with its effects on your skin. This can take several weeks and require multiple treatments. But once the veins have closed, scarred, and reabsorbed by the body, the appearance of venous lines along your legs will subside. 

Choose aNu Aesthetics and Optimal Wellness for Safe and Effective Sclerotherapy Treatments

Venous conditions can be a source of insecurity, especially those with very visible spider veins and varicose veins around their legs and feet. With aNu Aesthetics and Optimal Wellness, you can receive safe and effective treatments that can reduce the appearance of veins on your skin. Every patient we’ve worked with experiences the highest levels of personal attention, care, and professionalism that our team provides. 

Reclaim Your Confidence and Sport Vein-Free Legs with Asclera Injections from aNu Aesthetics and Optimal Wellness

Prior to your sclerotherapy treatment, you’ll schedule an initial consultation with one of our experienced providers or consultants. There, you’ll discuss your condition and what you want to achieve with your treatment. 

Sclerotherapy treatments from aNu Aesthetics and Optimal Wellness are quick, safe, and effective. Depending on the state of your veins, you may need between one to four Asclera injections scheduled 6 weeks apart, with each treatment taking less than an hour. 

While there may be some minor side effects from the injection, there’s no downtime required and you can return to your everyday routine. Treatments are done in our state-of-the-art facilities in a sterile environment. We take all precautions to minimize the risk of infections or any adverse side effects. 

At aNu Aesthetics and Optimal Wellness, we only carry the top-of-the-line brands for our treatments, including sclerosing solutions like Asclera. Like most patients, you can start to notice your veins subside within twelve weeks after your first injection.  

FAQs About Asclera Sclerotherapy Treatments

Q: Are asclera injections safe and effective for both spider veins and varicose veins?

A: Yes, they’re safe. Asclera is best for sclerotherapy treatments on the legs for any uncomplicated spider vein less than 1mm in diameter and uncomplicated small varicose vein (also known as reticular veins) up to 3mm in diameter. Our providers can determine if you are a safe candidate for Asclera and sclerotherapy treatments. Schedule your initial consultation to learn more. 

Q: How many treatments do I need to erase my spider veins?

A: Depending on the size of your vein or veins that need treatment, you might need up to four treatments before you get your desired results. It can vary between patients, so it’s best to schedule your initial consultation for a provider to get a good look at your condition and determine how many injections it may take. 

Each Asclera injection is scheduled 6 weeks apart, and it can take up to 12 weeks for your body to absorb your vein’s scar tissue and reduce the appearance of veins on your legs. 

Reclaim Your Confidence and Sport Vein-Free Legs with Asclera Injections from aNu Aesthetics and Optimal Wellness

Bare Your Legs with Confidence with Asclera Sclerotherapy Injections at aNu Aesthetics and Optimal Wellness

While some venous conditions are purely cosmetic, many people may feel conscious about the sight of spider veins and varicose veins along their legs. With aNu Aesthetics and Optimal Wellness, you don’t have to live with these unsightly leg veins anymore. Let us provide you with the treatment you need to enhance your appearance and reduce the venous lines that can prevent you from looking your best. 

Our med spa’s treatments can help you achieve your beauty goals by taking out the cosmetic flaws and bringing out your best features. Schedule your initial consultation with aNu Aesthetics and Optimal Wellness today to talk to one of our board-certified providers.

Reclaim Your Confidence and Sport Vein-Free Legs with Asclera Injections from aNu Aesthetics and Optimal Wellness